The Nine Energy Centers in Human Design: Essential Guide

Human Design, a synthesis of ancient traditions and modern understanding, decodes the complex blueprint of human nature. Central to this system are the 9 centers, offering profound insights into our behavior, energy dynamics, and inherent traits.

What are centers in Human Design?

Human Design Centers are akin to chakras or energy hubs. They highlight specific aspects of our being, and depending on one’s birth data, can be either defined (colored, signifying a consistent energy flow) or undefined (white, indicating adaptability and influence from the environment).

A Deep Dive into the Nine Energy Centers

The Head Center

Situated at the pinnacle of the chart, the Head Center is the realm of inspiration, questions, doubts, and mental pressures.

  • Defined Head Center: People with this center defined often possess a continuous flow of thoughts and inspirations. They may also feel internal pressures to resolve or contemplate these thoughts.
  • Undefined Head Center: Individuals might find themselves being inspired by external sources, often becoming curious or influenced by others’ questions or confusions.

The Ajna Center

This is the center of conceptualization and processing. It’s where we analyze, categorize, and try to make sense of information.

  • Defined Ajna Center: Signifies a consistent and fixed way of processing thoughts or problem-solving.
  • Undefined Ajna Center: Such individuals might find their thinking to be flexible, sometimes feeling unsure or changing their perspective based on external influences.

The Throat Center

This vital center is all about communication, expression, and bringing concepts into manifestation.

  • Defined Throat Center: Individuals can consistently articulate their thoughts and feelings and might be naturally vocal or expressive.
  • Undefined Throat Center: They might wait for the right moment to speak or find their expression molded by surroundings or people.

The G Center (Identity Center)

The heart of the Human Design chart, it speaks of love, identity, and direction.

  • Defined G Center: People have a steady sense of identity, purpose, and direction in life. They know who they are and where they’re headed.
  • Undefined G Center: They might often experiment with their roles, seeking their identity or adapting their sense of self based on circumstances or relationships.

The Heart Center (Willpower Center)

This center touches upon willpower, worthiness, and material manifestation.

  • Defined Heart Center: Such individuals have a consistent access to willpower, often demonstrating a strong drive or commitment. They might also have a fixed sense of their value or worthiness.
  • Undefined Heart Center: They might occasionally question their self-worth or find their willpower fluctuating based on external validation.

The Solar Plexus Center (Emotional Center)

A center of emotions, moods, and desires.

  • Defined Solar Plexus Center: Individuals experience emotional waves, moving through highs and lows in a cyclical pattern. They might need time to reach clarity on decisions.
  • Undefined Solar Plexus Center: Highly empathetic, they can “feel” others’ emotions, often

being influenced by the emotional states of those around them, which can sometimes lead to confusion regarding their own feelings.

The Sacral Center

The hub of life force, fertility, and raw energy, it determines one’s capacity for work and general zest for life.

  • Defined Sacral Center: These individuals possess a consistent reservoir of energy for work and daily tasks. They’re the “doers,” often buzzing with vitality and able to undertake long tasks.
  • Undefined Sacral Center: Their energy can be sporadic, working in spurts. It’s essential for them to recognize when to rest, ensuring they don’t burn out by trying to match the energy levels of those with defined Sacral Centers.

The Root Center

This is the seat of stress, pressure, and adrenaline. It’s about the drive to move forward and adapt.

  • Defined Root Center: Such individuals can handle and even thrive under pressure. They might feel a consistent drive to move forward or to complete tasks.
  • Undefined Root Center: External pressures or stressors easily sway them. It’s crucial for them to understand that not every pressure needs immediate attention, allowing for discernment in what truly demands urgency.

The Spleen Center

A center about intuition, health, and primal survival instincts.

  • Defined Spleen Center: Individuals often have an acute awareness of their well-being and a sharp sense of intuition. Their intuitive hits are consistent, and they might often trust their “gut feelings” when making decisions.
  • Undefined Spleen Center: They might second-guess their intuition or struggle with recognizing what’s genuinely good or harmful to them. Health awareness might be inconsistent, with periods of heightened concern followed by periods of neglect.

Dynamics of Defined vs. Undefined Centers

Understanding the dynamics between defined and undefined centers is paramount. Defined centers function in a fixed, consistent manner, beaming their energy outward. In contrast, undefined centers are more malleable, receptive, and open to external influences. This interplay shapes our interactions, decision-making processes, and even our vulnerabilities and strengths.

Difference between Open Center and Undefined Center?

Open Centers are areas where people absorb energies and influences from the environment and people around them. They are highly receptive and adaptable to external influences, making them often impressionable.

Meanwhile, Undefined Centers, though similar to Open Centers in terms of absorbing external influences, differ in that they offer potential for wisdom. People with Undefined Centers are not consistently energy-driven from these areas, making them flexible and adaptable but without a fixed way of operation. They can be greatly influenced by the energy dynamics of those around them. 


How do you know if a center is defined in Human Design?

A center is defined in Human Design if it is colored in on the chart. Undefined centers remain white.defined center human-design

What are the 4 motor centers in Human Design?

The four motor centers in Human Design are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart/Will Center.

What makes a center defined?

A center becomes defined when it has a consistent and steady flow of energy, often resulting from channels connecting it to other centers in the chart.

What does it mean when all your centers are defined?

When all your centers are defined, it indicates you have a consistent energy flow throughout your entire system, making you less influenced by external energies in those areas. You tend to operate based on your inner authority and energy dynamics.

How common is it to have all centers defined in Human Design?

In Human Design, having all nine centers defined is relatively rare. Most people have a mix of defined and undefined centers. When someone has all centers defined, they possess a consistent energy flow in every aspect of their design. This means they are less likely to be influenced by the energies of others in those areas. However, the exact statistics on how many individuals have all centers defined aren’t widely reported in most Human Design literature. Still, it’s important to note that each design is unique, and no particular configuration is inherently better than another; they simply offer different life experiences and lessons.


The 9 centers in Human Design offer a detailed roadmap to understanding oneself. By diving deep into these centers, we gain clarity on our behavioral patterns, energy dynamics, and intrinsic nature, paving the way for personal growth and authentic living.

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